
Satara, Mahabaleshwar, Maharashtra - 412806

From Stone Shelter

42 km

Opening Hours

Open 24 hours every day

Entry Fee


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Tapola Mahabaleshwar

Tapola is called ‘Mini Kashmir’, and rightly so. In the monsoon season, the hills around this serene town are covered with thick foliage, with colourful flowers peeking from amidst the lush green. Tapola is a delight for nature lovers because of its rich flora, and the calming Shivsagar lake. This 90 km long lake is one of Tapola’s main attractions. You can take part in several water activities like paddle-boating, kayaking, and jet-skiing at the Shivsagar lake, which makes it the ideal destination for adventure travellers as well. The valley around the lake is popularly frequented by trekkers, with the Vasota and Jaigad forts nestled in the forest being scenic spots.

As a part of the Tapola Eco Agro Initiative, state tourism allows the tourists to visit the locals and try out farming chores in their fields.

Book your Stay at Stone Shelter, Mahabaleshwar

Places to Visit

Mahabaleshwar is the perfect getaway for nature and adventure lovers. It houses some of country’s most beautiful and serene locations. It is also home to several adventure sports like trekking, hiking, paragliding, kayaking and more.